Category: Crafts

  • Birthday Card: Quilled Hummingbird and Flower Using Combing Technique

    I found the above photo while I was about to reformat my old memory card. This card is actually one of my favorite handmade creations, but I never got to blog about it since I forgot that I have a photo of it. What I do remember

  • Mail Swap: Goodbye Summer

    Here’s something that kept me busy this week: handmade crafts meant for swapping. I haven’t blogged about anything that has to do with crafts these past months because honestly, I wasn’t inspired to work on anything new and so this year’s craft projects were limited to handmade cards and creative giftwrapping for a few chosen…

  • Three-Dimensional Miniature Quilled Pot and Flowers

    My first attempt at 3-D quilling. The pot is quilled. So are the flowers, with the green and dark blue ones made using the fringe technique. I glued each flower on sticks then carefully arranged them. I used dark blue, light blue and white sand to cover the base of the sticks and give weight…

  • Giftwrapping: Handpainted Manila Paper with Bookmark and Buttons

    I wrapped this gift in haste so except for the handpainted wrapper, this was really very easy and quick to do. Wrapper: Since I do not have a plain green wrapper big enough to cover my big box, I painted a sheet of Manila paper and sprinkled some green glitter glue over it. Gift Tag:…

  • Giftwrapping: Manila Paper Wrapper with a Handmade Gift Tag of Quilled Yellow Flowers

    Wrapper:  Plain Manila Paper.   Gift Tag: Everything about this is recycled. The gift tag is from a scrap of a Hallmark Scrapbooking Accessory label while the abaca rope was from the product label of a pair of Lee jeans. Main Accent: Quilled yellow flower. I simply rolled a strip of golden-yellow quilling paper around…