Tag: Clouds

  • Missing Gold Coast

    I still dream of waking up to the sun’s caress on my face, of home-cooked meals and wine and cider… I miss looking out at the beguiling sea, with its blue-green waters gathering together to create frothy waves that tirelessly kiss the shores… I yearn to again be distracted from my reading or writing by…

  • Cottony Clouds over my Paradisaical Workplace

    While out on my morning walk/jog, I chanced on this view and couldn’t help but marvel at the cloud-filled sky. Usually, our skies are just shades of blue with a scattering of cottony clouds here and there. Here’s a zoomed-in shot. I actually had to wade into the waters to take the above, but I…

  • It’s always sunny above the clouds

    They say it’s always sunny above the clouds, and this came to mind when I chanced upon this spectacular sight on a recent trip to Manila. And so even when dark clouds hover over me, I remain hopeful.  There is, after all, a silver lining to every cloud.  And yes, clouds can obscure the sun,…

  • “Blue” Sunrise

    A beautiful sunrise from my side of the world. I love how this photo’s many shades of blue kindle a feeling of calm in me. Photo taken in Plantation Bay Resort and Spa’s Galapagos Beach.

  • Today’s Sunset, April 08, 2014

    I feel grateful that even when it had been such a busy day, when I left my table to take a call, I was greeted by the beautiful view of a very colorful sky against the sun sinking over the horizon. Cradling my mobile phone on one ear, I went back to my table and…