Tag: Self

  • The Happy Introvert

    And they wonder how I can spend a long weekend holed up in my room doing “nothing,” not realizing that despite my three days off work, I still feel I don’t have enough time to enjoy my books, writing, series and movie marathons, and arts and crafts. I am often asked about how I can…

  • Note to Self: I Just Want to See You Be Brave

    Here I go again. Writing about my frustrations because it’s easier this way than expressing them out loud, especially to the person involved. I mean to rant as writing has long been my outlet, but then I hear this song on Jango. …Or you can start speaking up Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that…

  • a changed (wo)man

    photo credit and you tell me i’ve come too far and soared too high that I’m no longer within your reach but don’t you know i’m still the girl you held hands with? despite my success, i’m just the same as I was and I’m never changing who and what I am and if you’re…

  • How Far I’ve Come

    photo credit I run and keep on running.  My legs ache and my sweat-stained face mirror my exhaustion.  I slow down my pace a bit and strain my eyes to see what is beyond me.  “How far is and how long will it take me to the finish line?” I muse. I continue running until my legs feel as if they cannot support me…