Tag: Sunrise

  • Today’s Sunrise, March 24, 2023

    Just like the days, no two sunrises are the same. – Jonathan P. Lamas I always get sidetracked each time I see the sunrise, even when I have seen it in the same place thousands of times. There’s something magical about it, especially when it’s as dramatic as the sunrise pictured above. I took that…

  • Cebu: Adlawon Vacation Farm (AVF)

    We stayed here for a night, and it was one short vacation that stirred up fond memories of my childhood.  You see, I grew up in the province and being in Adlawon Vacation Farm was like being home in Aklan, where trees and not buildings dotted the land and the crowing of roosters signaled the break of dawn.    The LodgeThis is…

  • Pet-Friendly Resorts and Hotels in Cebu

    Updated: October 2021 Since I became a furmom to Hobbes, my now three-year-old Shih Tzu, traveling around Cebu has become more challenging.  If before I could pack my bags hurriedly and go to the beach or mountains on a whim, now I have to carefully research my destinations to ensure that Hobbes is well taken care of…

  • Today’s Sunrise, May 17, 2017

    “The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not.  It will keep on being beautiful even if no one bothers to look at it.” – Gene Amole These are my thoughts as I made a detour from my morning walk to document today’s sunrise.  I didn’t want to leave, but I knew I…

  • Sailing Out Into the Great Divide

    I was immediately struck by the complementing yellow and purple colors when this scene unfolded before my eyes.  At the same time, the contrast between the two colors was just as palpable, and the boat was the perfect partition needed to separate them. As golden as your promises As dark as the uncertainties they bring…